5MIINUST x Puuluup | Estonia 2024 Photo: Liina Notta

Biography of 5MIINUST x Puuluup

Estonia's representation in this year's Eurovision Song Contest will feature not one, but two bands: 5MIINUST and Puuluup. This occurrence isn't unprecedented in Eurovision history, as it's not uncommon for popular bands to join forces and represent their country together on the Eurovision stage.

5MIINUST (stylized in all caps as 5MIINUST; pronounced "viis miinust", which translates to "five minuses" in Estonian) is an Estonian hip hop collective that originated in Võsu in 2015. The group comprises Kristjan Jakobson (known by the pseudonym "Estoni Kohver" or simply "Kohver"), Mihkel Tamm ("Päevakoer"), Karl Kivastik ("Põhja-Korea" or simply "Korea"), and Priit Tomson ("Lancelot"). Initially, they also included a fifth member, Pavel Botšarov ("Venelane"), who departed in 2023 to pursue a solo career under the alias Gameboy Tetris.

Puuluup is a nu-folk duo hailing from Estonia, formed in 2014 by Ramo Teder, also known as Pastacas, and Marko Veisson.

Their journey to the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 began when they were announced alongside 5MIINUST as semi-finalists of Eesti Laul 2024, Estonia's national selection for Eurovision, in November 2023. Their entry, "(Nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi" ((We) don't know anything about (those) drugs), garnered attention as they advanced to the final after the first round of the semi-final. In the final, Puuluup emerged victorious, earning the honour to represent Estonia at the Eurovision Song Contest.

The Song

Song (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi (We don't (yet) know anything about (these) drugs)
Writer(s):  5MIINUST, Marko Veisson & Ramo Teder
Composer(s):  5MIINUST, Kim Wennerström, Marko Veisson & Ramo Teder
Broadcaster: ERR

This year's Estonian entry is a remarkably unique and undeniably catchy tune. The singers will deliver a spirited performance, dancing to the eclectic rhythm and memorable melody, complemented by traditional instruments. With both bands enjoying significant popularity in Estonia, this song is poised to captivate a wide audience.

Despite its theme revolving around drugs and their effects, the song carries a touch of irony. Here's hoping that amidst their wild antics, these vibrant performers will remain sober when they hit the stage in Malmö.

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