About Us

About Us

About eurovisionlive

The website eurovisionlive.com has been launched in 2001 when the Eurovision Song Contest took place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Therefore eurovisionlive.com belongs to one of the oldest and established Eurovision websites which covers the yearly event all year round and is renewing itself all the time. A lot of content from previous years has been included as well such as video interviews and photos back from 1994 onwards. eurovisionlive.com was the first website to provide video interviews with the singers.

The idea of eurovisionlive.com is the aim to deliver valuable and compact information of the Eurovision Song Contest to the world. The main focuses are the video interviews with the participants, latest news, unique insight information, many video clips and general information of the Eurovision Song Contest.

From the technological point of view eurovisionlive.com had several launches to display the latest technology, such as social media implementation, high security standards.

Our  Team

Our Team

Bernd Lemmermann

Public relations, Editor, Journalist

As one of the founders of eurovisionlive.com I am responsible for the interviews with the singers and the editorial content. My passion for the Eurovision Song Contest exists since my early childhood. The exotic music, different cultures and languages have given a lot of inspiration to me. Since my very first ESC in Dublin 1994 I particularly appreciate the get together and friendship of all the nationalities and Riverdance was a thrill!

Jens Petersen

Publisher, Chief Editor

Due to the fact that my parents are musicians, I have a gained a great enthusiasm for music. Since 1979 my interest in the Eurovision Song Contest has grown enormously. My first ESC I joined was in Dublin 1995. Six years later I founded the website eurovisionlive.com in the year 2001. The most fascinating part for me is the original idea of the Eurovision Song Contest – the peaceful contest of the European countries. I am very happy that I have the chance to contribute my little part for the greatest music show in the world.

Torsten Berg

Photographer, Editor

My first Eurovision Song Contest I watched behind the walls of the former GDR in 1987. This was even possible at that time! Since then I am following the ESC every year on TV. In 2004 I had the chance to watch it live in Istanbul. Due to the fact that Jens and Bernd have collected many interviews, photos, etc. the idea came up to show all this contest to the public. We founded the website eurovisionlive.com and we have been one of the first to offer the medium internet for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Jack Knackert

Editor, Journalist

My first Eurovision I watched was in 1987, Brussels. Since then I am following the ESC with great enthusiasm. The greatest fascination for me is the fact that the entire Europe is watching the show at that specific night. Since 2010, Oslo I am a member of the eurovisionlive.com team. I had the chance to witness the second German victory with Lena. My biggest wish would be to have the orchestra back, as it used to be until 1998.

Timo Stutz

Technical Director, Editor

I watched my first ESC in 1998 (Birmingham) in London, so I was able to vote for Guildo Horn. Since this moment I was infected with the ESC virus. In 2011 I met Torsten & Jens from eurovisionlive.com and they asked me to create a new homepage for them. Until 2011 eurovisionlive.com was only a „hard coded“ HTML page. In 2012 we started with a redesign based on a modern content management system called Joomla. In 2014/2015 we worked hard on a re-redesign, launched it on 13 February 2015 and now I’m proud to be a part of the eurovisionlive.com team.

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