Silia Kapsis | Cyprus 2024 Photo: Monsée

Biography of Silia Kapsis

Vasiliki Silia Kapsis, born into a family rich in artistic talent, began her journey in Sydney as the daughter of Cypriot singer Giorgos Kapsis and Greek lawyer Despina "Rebecca" Saivanidis. Immersed in a world of creativity from a young age, she took her first steps onto the stage at just four years old.

At the age of twelve, Kapsis unveiled her debut song, "Who Am I?," marking the beginning of a promising musical career. Subsequently, she delighted audiences with singles like "No Boys Allowed"  and "Disco Dancer" showcasing her evolving artistry and unique style.

Venturing into the world of dance, Kapsis found herself in Los Angeles, where she joined the esteemed ImmaBeast Dance Company. Collaborating with renowned dancer Stephen "tWitch" Boss and making appearances in a dance documentary curated by rapper Taboo, she further solidified her presence in the realm of performance art.

In 2022, Kapsis expanded her horizons by stepping into the world of acting, making her debut in the short film "Pearly Gates." Additionally, she graced the screens of Australian Nickelodeon as a host for "Nick News," a role that earned her a nomination at the prestigious Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards.

The pinnacle of Kapsis's journey thus far came with her selection as Cyprus's representative for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. With her captivating song "Liar," released on February 29, she continues to captivate audiences worldwide with her boundless talent and unwavering passion for the arts.

The Song

Song Liar
Writer(s):  Elke Tiel
Composer(s):  Dimitris Kontopoulos
Broadcaster: CyBC

"Liar" is a contemporary and infectious melody that has earned the prestigious position of opening the ESC 2024, leading the lineup as starting position #1 in the first semi-final.

Take a look at yourself
Cause that is what you need to do,
 to do Cause the only problem in this room Is about you,
about you Cause you're a liar

With its robust chorus and entrancing rhythm, "Liar" emerges as the perfect dance anthem for those balmy summer nights, beckoning listeners to lose themselves in its irresistible beats.

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