The overall concept and motto of this year’s 67th edition of the time honoured Eurovision Song Contest has been revealed: “United By Music”. It does not seem to be very new and innovative by first sight, but with the background knowledge that normally Ukraine would have been the host country this year, due to the war forced by Russia, it’s not possible to realize at the moment. Therefore the BBC took over and together with an Ukrainian agency the motto demonstrates the unique partnership between Ukraine, United Kingdom and the host city Liverpool has been created. It also reflects how Europe comes closer together through this shared television event.
The logo itself shows a 3D-heart or colourful electrocardiogram, which produces strings of hearts according to the rhythm and sound, to illustrate the collective beating hearts of all ESC contestants and viewers alike. The logo has been inspired by the flags of Ukraine and the United Kingdom, which should interpreted as joy and diversity of the contest.
There are very bright and mod colours, which remind a bit of the logo back in Kyiv 2017 – a bit 80’s though.
Have a look at the inspiration for the motto
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Due to the fact that my parents are musicians, I have a gained a great enthusiasm for music. Since 1979 my interest in the Eurovision Song Contest has grown enormously. My first ESC I joined was in Dublin 1995. Six years later I founded the website in the year 2001. The most fascinating part for me is the original idea of the Eurovision Song Contest – the peaceful contest of the European countries. I am very happy that I have the chance to contribute my little part for the greatest music show in the world.